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Busy Bee
Word Wall Update

Aa              Bb            Cc              Dd                Ee                       Ff 

Gg              Hh             Ii                 Jj                 Kk                        Ll 

Mm             Nn           Oo               Pp               Qq                       Rr
Ss               Tt            Uu                 Vv              Ww                   Xx
Yy               Zz
How many of these words can you read instantly?
When you read books at home (or have them read to you) make sure you talk about the story.
Can you retell a story (names of the characters, tell the setting, what happened in the beginning, the middle, and the end; what was the story all about)?
Can you make a connection to the stories you read (does it remind you of other books you’ve read or have you had a similar personal experience)?

Record any time spent practicing your reading on your reading calendar.
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